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"Student of an US camp:
I enjoyed the mock lab a lot. It gave me a much better idea of how the actual lab would be in terms of stress and timing. Keep up the good work !"

Wechseln zu DEUTSCH !

Heinz Ulm Senior Professional Consultant
More than 3 decades dedication to excellence while proudly encouraging others

Freelancer, Consultant, Engineer, Instructor, Troubleshooter, Finetuner, IT-Architect

Unlocking Innovation, Empowering Businesses:

With my over three decades of international expertise, I bring you a wealth of experience to the world of your IT business.

Proven Excellence:

With a experience of over 30 years, I have successfully navigated the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, consistently delivering excellence.

I have worked as freelancer for (to name a few):

🌐 Global Reach:

My international footprint spans continents, offering a diverse perspective and a rich tapestry of solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of businesses worldwide.

My projects and/or my teachings were in 27 countries on 4 continents:
USA (8 years), Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, France, Germany, Greenland, Libanon, Mosambique, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USSR.

🤝 Trusted Partnership:

Occasionally I am collaborating with long-time associate and good friend Heiko Groeger (Cisco CCDE/CCIE/CCSI) in projects, course developments and more.
Our synergy enhances the depth and breadth of our services. Together, we form a formidable team committed to your success.

Please contact me for my detailed CV or visit www.linkedin.com for my profile !

"Heinz has an excellent experience and knowledge of IP across numerous technologies
and never ceases to astound his clients with the depth and thorough understanding of them."

Jason Best, Operations Manager at British Telecom al Saudia, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia


CCIE 34633
CCIE 18917
"Thanks for all your help Heinz, you've been a great guy and it's been a pleasure knowing you. I'm not sure if I could have passed the lab without the knowledge that I gained from your bootcamp.
I hope to see you again one day when I come over to Denver to visit my friend Tim.
In the meantime I'm looking for more people to send on your bootcamp.           CCIE 18917 (UK)"
CCIE 34633

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