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A happy
'Heinz Ulm"-CCIE 23135

Please note that this are pics or info from the past as we have ended conducting
bootcamps because of corona/covid 19 and other health issues !

We are still active as consultants !!!

Some impressions from the classes/rooms in different locations

Germany location:
There is a huge room and several smaller rooms
The smaller rooms are sometimes favored by the students because it is even more quiet and comfortable.
However you can change the rooms any time. There is lots of space for your laptop, books and folders.
The rooms are flooded with natural light and fresh air.  You can dim every light to your convenience.
There are glass walls between the rooms and the instructor's office. You won't hear any router noise !        

Pictures from US Bootcamps:

CCIE 19109 USA,
Utah, passed on
1st attempt !!!
another happy heinz ulm ccie 21954 on first attempt
CCIE 21954
on 1st attempt
(sat in Heinz' Bootcamp)

1:1 session with student
from Peru
ccie 20503
CCIE 20503 USA ,
Virginia, passed right after his US Bootcamp visit
ccie 21033 on first attempt
CCIE 21033 Germany, passed on 1st attempt after visiting Heinz'
Bootcamp in US
ccie 21235 1st attemptt
CCIE 21235
passed on 1st attempt
(sat in Heinz' Bootcamp)


CCIE 25215
CCIE 25215
"Hi Professor Heinz, Coming to your boot camp was the dawn of CCIE reality and a big wakeup call for me. Prior to my arrival at your boot camp, I actually deluded myself 'in thinking that I was close to being ready for the LAB' I was so wrong, and so far from the truth. With Professor Heinz, I discovered exactly 'how LIMITED I was in terms of knowledge and CCIE readiness' and exactly what the CCIE standard was and how distant from it I was at the time (i.e. in another galaxy). Thanks to Professor Heinz, I was able to make the transformation from mere 'contender status' to 'actual champion' i.e. passing the CCIE Lab. Warning & Advisory Notice, if you are NOT prepared to sacrifice 'your life' to pass the CCIE Lab, then my advice would be to just forget it, cause believe me, it DEFINITELY has the potential to be FATAL !!!! "          CCIE 25215 (UK) CCIE 25215

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